

A project log for Project R

Project R(rrrr) is a low-budget research robot for the rest of us.

rudolphRudolph 08/19/2014 at 05:430 Comments

Dear Diary,

Things are hectic around here. We're in the process of moving to a house, so between finding time, and remembering which box has tools and which has parts, it's been rather difficult to work on Ruprecht. Next week will be a lot easier though. While I won't be able to properly test the "apartment friendly" aspect of of this build I will finally have a garage and lots o' space to work in. Exciting stuff.

It also became painfully apparent that I hadn't yet made the required video for proper entry consideration for TheHackadayPrize. Oops... So this evening I grabbed the camera and shot a (rather crappy) video.

At least I got it done in time. Whew!
