
Perfect (sorta) V3 Boards

A project log for Wireless BLE Kinesis Advantage (Custom Controller)

Replaces the stock controller with an nRF52 BLE SOC and MCP23S17 io expander. BLE Kinesis with great (few months) battery life.

mike-wMike W 10/24/2018 at 17:410 Comments

Soldered everything down and everything is functionally perfect. 

Only minor issue is I forgot to remove "i2C Pullups" from the board silkscreen but other than that, the boards are good to go.

I actually still have 4 spare since the first one worked perfectly. Let me know if you'd like one!

I also reduced the delay from 17 to 10 as I getting a few typos (could be just because it's 3am). Still, 9/10 = 90% sleep is not bad!
