
Week 4

A project log for Dynamic Interactive - Urbanscapes

This is a school project that follows Urbanscapes Malaysia brief, to create an interactive design related to Malaysia art and culture.

aprilmomo0416aprilmomo0416 12/20/2018 at 01:400 Comments

9 Oct 2018 - Monday

Refine idea

Taking account feedback or suggestions received throughout the pitching, for progress last week, we refined our two ideas that got approved.

First idea

Dear Diary:      Every Malaysian will go through primary school and secondary school study. We all have very special memory in the school, and we would like to bring them to experience the past again. By using the memorable school booklet which every student used before when they were studying. Combine with the idea of a diary to bring them back into those memories. For this design, we were targeting adults who are tired of working and probably misses their school life.

Second idea

Kedai Runcit (Mini Market):      This idea was inspired by Malaysian slang (communication slang between different races), and kedai runcit which are a common place that we would visit. People will thought each race will speak their own language, but we all speak Malaysian slang, which is super local and super original things we have in Malaysia. When interacting with the Kedai Runcit set, people will hear communication between different races, and they were all friendly and nice. The message behind is: even we are born in different races, but we are all Malaysians, who truly speak Malaysian (slang).

What we have refined:

First idea:

1. The design of the booklet. We were thinking to make it more cartoon style combined with vintage, to make it more suitable with "childhood memories".

2. Added on user flow. 

Second idea:

1. We measured again the measurement of the object(kedai runcit), to let out more spaces for keeping the wires and mechanism stuff.

2. Added on user flow.

3.  Sketched out the props or interior contents.

10th Oct 2019

Preparing Document for Presentation

Had a discussion about the script. We decided to make the conversations more fun and interesting by adding in some lively events into the story and adding more slang from different races.

Presentation file linked below:

11th Oct 2019

Presentation day

We received the feedback from lecturer that we need to improve more on our project's interaction part. Example:  think that how to make a kedai runcit miniature more lively  instead of just a miniature. 
