
SAA5281 features

A project log for Teletext display

Teletext is dead, but there are many teletext chips that can still be useful as displays for embedded projects

keithKeith 04/28/2024 at 01:100 Comments

Like the SAA5246, but with internal 8K DRAM. 

DIP48 pinout is very similar, the pins that were external SRAM signals on the SAA5246 are to be left unconnected on the SAA5281. There are a few exceptions - pins:

6 is REF+, which should go to a 100n capacitor

21 output can also be DV

36 input CLK EN

37 output CLK OUT

44 output LINE23

Internal RAM can't be dual-ported to an external processor for fast video, or paging a larger-than-8K SRAM, but it avoids the chore of wiring it to an external RAM. This project is primarily to provide a useful video over the I2C bus, so I shall be using this chip.

Cost is reasonable, I found a source that had over 130 devices for about £4.28 each.

The wiring is fairly simple (NB pin numbers for DIP52, not DIP48):
