
Dynamic Interactivity

Urbanscape Malaysia Project

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Dynamic interactive project about a creative art music festival, Urbanscapes the longest running festival in Malaysia.


DI_Usertest Feedback (1).pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 167.41 kB - 12/20/2018 at 01:47


Final Pitch(03) - Dynamic Interactive.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 535.30 kB - 10/18/2018 at 06:30


Pitch 02 - Dynamic Interactive.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 466.65 kB - 10/18/2018 at 03:57


Pitch 01 - Dynamic Interactive.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.29 MB - 10/18/2018 at 03:58


  • Video Journal

    Austin Chiah12/20/2018 at 01:57 0 comments

    The project is finally come to the end. Thanks to people who helped us during the project, especially our lecturer Lin Yew Cheang and lecturer Ronald Chua. 

    A-Maze-In KL, Amazing KL.

  • Week 14 - Submission Week #2

    Austin Chiah12/19/2018 at 19:49 0 comments

    14/12/2018 - Redo the map.

    After some talks with lecturer, we decide to redo the maze part which is the main part of the installation. We rethink again about the wood choices and the ways to make it. We went to buy some MDF woods and do some try out.

    17/12/2018 - Prepare the files.

    We redo some parts of the maps files and also rethink about how to make the control more stable.

    18/12/2018 - Laser cut time.

    We change the whole working from CNC milling to laser cut. This time we do it in a easier way that we forgot about. We cut out 3 piece of maps, and 1 piece of map that only with line of the maps. We stick all the maps together without the trail.

    For coloring, we didn't use spray anymore. We decide to just design some graphic and print it as a sticker and stick it on the map. 

    19/12/2018 - Submission Day.

    Submitted on time 12 p.m.

  • Week 13 - Submission Week #1

    Austin Chiah12/19/2018 at 19:37 0 comments

    7/12/2018 - We fix the code!

    My teammate who doing the code called me, and told me that he fixed the code for all interactions, even the audio! I find my friend help us record the audio for the interaction. The audio is recorded and edited by our own.

    8 & 10/12/2018 - 3D Printing

    Because of some team they need to use a lot of 3D printing for the project. So we went to class and discuss with them to let us use one of the machine. We printed some decorative buildings and try to fit it in. the maps.

    11/12/2018 - More 3D printing and color paint it.

    We decide to paint it with wood varnish and we tried but it looks like its didn't work out well. Because of the wood we use doesn't have any wood grain, so when we paint the wood varnish it didn't work. We discussed and we decide to spray it with brown color just because at first we want to show wood color so we used brown. After spray, i paint it with wood varnish.

    13/12/2018 - Submission Day, Delayed...

    We went to class and prepare for submissions, but we took a look at the wood we paint and spray it went bad. The wood became rough and needed to sand again. We sand it, and the color became more terrible. We decided to redo the whole thing after submission, but everyone end up can't finish in time. Lecturer decide to delay the submission for a week. 

  • Week 12 - Refine and Finishing #1

    Austin Chiah12/19/2018 at 19:17 0 comments

    30/11/2018 - After the user test

    We collected the data that respond by the user and we continue refine the codes and interactive. We decide to take some rest after the crazy day. 

    6/12/2018 - Refine and Finish up.

    We went to class and make a short presentation about the data we collected. We followed the data and do refine. 

    This is what we change and add:

    • Smoothen the trail since the trail is really rough.
    • Add welcoming and educating audio for each interaction location.
    • Add light effect for idle mode so that we can attract user to try out.
    • Paint the woods with wood finish or color paint.

    We finished the code for audio but there some problem in it that we need to solve it our own.

  • Week 11 - It's D Day, Beta Test.

    Austin Chiah12/19/2018 at 19:08 0 comments

    Week 11 is a CRAZY WEEK.

    Because of our progress is not enough for Beta Testing, we decide to work more on the overall functions.

    26/11/2018 - 3D printing time.

    We decide to do it daily for the 3D printing for the buildings. Since the 3D printer is in a heavy workload condition, we discussed with other teams to let us print at least 1 main building which will takes 3 to 6 hours of printing. We print KL Tower today.

    27/11/2018 -  Slow Progressing...

    Our KL Tower printed fail again, we reprint another one with different settings and we separate some parts out to do it separately.

    We went to class and start CNC milling the woods for the controls. We stick up all the woods and thinking to fix some bugs on the code.

    28/11/2018 - CRAZY DAY, CRAZY NIGHT.

    Second try of KL Tower went well. We print Museum Negara today.

    Everyone in our class actually booked to stay up late in the lab to continue doing the installation. We started the day with solving the codes first and also sanding all the parts to make sure all part can be assembly together nicely.

    At night, we actually solve all the codes for the installation. we assembly all the parts together and finishing up all the looks of the installation.

    29/11/2018 - Sleepless Day, D Day.

    We overnight in the class and we end up finish assembly all parts until morning 8 a.m. We slept for 30 minutes and wake up continue finishing things up until 12 p.m. The Beta testing is on 4 p.m. , we let the user test playing it and do some user testing and ask question about it. It went out pretty well and after that we head home sleep.

  • Week 10 - Proceed to Beta Test #2

    Austin Chiah12/19/2018 at 18:43 0 comments

    16/11/2018 - We go to the class again to continue our CNC Milling on the main wood.

    We went to the class and Ron is there, so i asked for help about the 6 hours of CNC Milling. It ended up after the setting changes, we just CNC mills it for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

    But it failed. The plain wood we stick with white glue, we didn't apply enough white glue to make it stick together tightly. We stop for awhile and rethink about it. 

    Since the map is destroy but it still can be used so we decide to use it as the bottom casing of the map maze.

    19/11/2018 - Time to try out our 3D model for the buildings.

    We tried to 3D print out some building of the maze that have interactions, and we also adjust a few times for the buildings. Seems like the 3D model we did have some problem. So we redo again our buildings and try 3D print again and we did it. So we move on 3D printing it in actual size.

    20/11/2018 - The 3D print building collapse.

    We went to Lab and found that our building is really fragile. We haven't even take it off from the glass, it already collapse. So we change the setting in CURA and make it more stronger, but it takes more time. One KLCC tower will took us 6 hours to 3D print it. We printed it and it went out well at the end, but still have some defect. 

    We also cut out another 2 new 50x50cm plain wood and stick it together, but this time with more white glue.

    22/11/2018 - Wood engraving day for second time.

    Morning to the class, we start doing the CNC milling first. It end up pretty good and no accident this time. We move on doing the sanding and also the code for the interactions. The rest of the day, we assembly all the part of the upper part of the maze. We stopped for awhile and realize that we have a problem that we haven't solve yet which is the controls of the maze. That's the core function and interaction, but we haven't solve it yet.

    We end up getting scold by Lin Yew and get helped by Lin Yew. (Thank you, Lin Yew) We continue using the concept but we change a little bit of the original idea.

  • Week 9 - Proceed to Beta Test #1

    Austin Chiah11/11/2018 at 14:36 0 comments

    11/11/2018, we went buying materials.

    We went to a store that sells wood panels that we wanted, but when we reached there, the store is off. We might need to think of another way to get the woods since we need to start making it for our final outcome.

    13/11/2018, we went to the store again.

    Again we went to the store, but now they open. We choose plain wood because of the thickness of it and we are planning to use CNC Milling too, so we need a wood that thick enough to do it. And the metal ball and LED lights we ordered online had received. 

    15/11/2018, This is our first day of starting doing the real installation.

    First, we prepared the files that we needed to CNC Milling our plain wood. We cut it into 3 pieces of  wood in size of 50cm  x 50cm. 

    Then we continue doing it by glue 2 piece of the wood we cut out together with white glue. That is for CNC Milling for the map maze. While we are waiting, we continue cut out another 4 piece of wood in size of 50cm length and 5cm height for the bottom part of the maze for keeping the wiring and the power supply.

    Now we have left 1 more piece of 50cm x 50cm plain woods, that is for bottom casing part.

    After 2 hours of waiting for the white glue to dry, we take our plain wood to the CNC Milling machine and do the map engraving. We end up stop it at half way, because we found that the engraving will took about 6 hours to finish it, we don't have time to stay in class already since its already 6pm. We decide to do it another day.

    What we done:

    • Cut out all the plain wood we needed.
    • Glued the main piece of woods together.
    • Glued the 50cm x 5cm woods.

  • Week 8 - Design and Prototyping #3

    Austin Chiah11/11/2018 at 14:33 0 comments

    Since we haven't finish the prototype for our alpha test, we meet again in class at 4/11/2018.

    We continue making our prototype and coding. My partner ShuLin did the coding part and I did design and putting things together part. We think again what actual material we need to prepare for our project and what kind of machine we needed to use for the builds. 

    We decide to use:

    • 3D Printing for buildings and landmark.
    • If we can't manage to do the 3D models, our back up plan is using laser cutting wood and build the buildings.
    • A lot of wood panels for the base to stick together for CNC Milling.
    • CNC Milling Machine for the maze road and landmark's ground height.
    • Get more code(able) LED strips for the buildings.
    • Speakers for audio playing. (Not confirmed yet)

    At the end of the day, we did manage to buy a pack of 100 stainless steel balls online with size of 8 mm. So problem solved for that. 

    7/11/2018, we went into class and put everything together and finish up all the builds we need for alpha test. We end up getting some problem that we need to think again.

    Problem as below:

    • Controls of the maze need to be improve or change.
    • Wiring and installing the LEDs into the base is a bit hard and troublesome.
    • Size of the main focus buildings and other buildings/landscape surrounding in the maze.
    • Coding for the audio haven't been done, we might take it down.
    • The trail for the steel ball to move in to toggle the effect, is not really working on the cardboard prototype. Need to make sure the steel ball can move in and also out smoothly.
    • The placement of the sensor for the LEDs need to think of a way to make it into the wood and place it nicely beside the trails.

    After alpha test, we are not really satisfied by that since we got a lot of problems.

  • Week 7 - Design and Prototyping #2

    Austin Chiah10/31/2018 at 18:51 0 comments

    Meet and find object we needed 27/10/2018.

    We found a really big problem. We need a stainless steel ball, but we can't really find one. 

    We went to a lot of store such as, Mr. D.I.Y., car repair store, and hardware store. We even plan to buy a dog drinking water cap to just break it and get the steel ball inside. Anyway, we end up founded a Christmas decoration bell that not used for long time. We planning to break it and get the ball inside first for the prototype use.

    Meet in class 31/10/2018

    We meet in class and start doing our prototype. We mainly focus on our coding part, because we think that functions is more important for our alpha test. We did some progress such as laser cutting out our map maze, created the base and the hemisphere for the control, and some coding.

    We did rethink again for the controls of our maze, because we did struggle a bit with the hemisphere at the bottom for controls of the maze. We might change or think of another why to do the controls for the maze.

    After whole days of making and coding, we decide to meet again at 4/11/2018 in class again to continue and finish the prototype.

  • Week 6 - Design and Prototyping #1

    Austin Chiah10/31/2018 at 18:42 0 comments

    We came up with some location on KL we wanted to use for the roads.

    At first, we were thinking of making it in a 50cm x 50cm x 10cm box. But after awhile we thought of that we can also do organic shapes maze. So we refine the maze and relocate the maze.

    We did a few discussion with lecturer and end up actually we didn't get what lecturer recommend us to do. After discuss and clear the confusion, we trace our map on Photoshop and we put it into laser cutter machine and cut it out. Therefore we started our prototyping.

    We plan to use cardboard to make all the stuff we need including:

    • Buildings
    • Obstacle
    • Maze road
    • Base and plan

    Since then we haven't start coding for the lights and also the sensor for the steel ball interaction, We would like to start doing it on week 7 and hopefully done all the prototype things we needed.

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