
Other interesting artworks based on tessellated circuits - "Rhythmic Windmills"

A project log for Tessellated circuits made of colored metals

This artistic project is situated between aesthetics and functionality. Beautiful colored metals are cables between electronic components

kasser-synthsKASSER SYNTHS 01/07/2019 at 09:370 Comments

- "Rhythmic Windmills (2016)"

A randomly selected rhythm is activated when the metal colored windmill turns. The SMD LEDs of different colors are lighted up with the three different sound elements: high-pitched square wave, low-pitched square wave and noise. When the three windmills are played together, more complex rhythms are created. Every windmill is made entirely out of one metal, copper (brown and gold tones), titanium (blue, gray and purple) and niobium (green, blue and pink)
