
How to connect ESP32 to the IoT cloud

This article summarizes how to connect your ESP32 WiFi module to the AskSensors IoT cloud

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The ESP32 is a new chip from Espressif that combines WiFi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities with two CPU cores and a decent hardware peripheral set. This article describes the main steps for connecting the ESP32 to the AskSensors IoT cloud and send data stream over WiFi.

This article provides a step by step guide.


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  • 1 × ESP32

  • 1
    AskSensors Signing Up

    Get a free account.

  • 2
    Sensor Setup

    Sign In and create a Sensor to send data to. Here is a getting started tutorial.
    Copy down your API KEY IN.

  • 3
    Write the code

    Download the code from github, Set your WiFi details and your Sensor API Key In

View all 5 instructions

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