
Spikeputor ISA and Control Logic

A project log for The Spikeputor

I am building a computer featuring a 16-bit RISC CPU made of discrete transistors for learning, fun and art. It will be pretty large.

spudfishscottspudfishScott 05/02/2019 at 20:000 Comments

Each Spikeputor instruction is one word (16 bits) long, with a subset of the instructions requiring a second 16-bit integer. Operations are divided into four groups: ALU Functions, Branching, Load, and Store.

ALU Functions

All ALU operations require two source operands, and one destination register. The two source operands are either two registers (Ra and Rb), or a register (Ra) and a 16-bit signed integer literal. The result of the ALU function is then stored in the destination register (Rc). Thus, ALU functions may either be one word or two words long, depending on the need for the 16-bit constant. Two-word instructions end in C.

ALU Instructions:


Conditional branch instructions test the value of register Ra. The branch is taken if Ra is zero (for BEQ) or not zero (for BNE). The second word of the instruction is used to specify a 16-bit signed Program Counter offset. Before the branch, register Rc is loaded with the next calculated Program Counter value so it may be used as a return vector. If the branch will be followed, the target branch address is calculated by adding the given offset to that new PC value.

For immediate branching, there are two options: JMPC calculates the target branch address by adding the value of Ra to the given 16-bit signed literal. JMP simply takes the target branch address from the value of register Ra. As with the conditional branches, Rc is set to the address of the subsequent instruction. Branch instructions are two words long except for JMP. Also, if Ra is register 6, the JMP(R6, Rc) instruction will clear the IRQ flag, indicating the end of interrupt processing.

Branching Instructions:


There are two load instructions to move values from memory into registers. Both instructions use two words, the second of which is used as a signed memory offset. For the LD instruction, the target memory address is calculated by adding the value of register Ra to the given offset . The LDR (LoaD Relative) instruction adds the offset to the memory address of the subsequent instruction. In both cases, the data in the calculated memory address is stored in register Rc.

Load Instructions:


The only way to write to main memory is through the two-word Store instruction. The value of register Rc is stored in the memory address calculated by adding the value of register Ra to the value of the second word.

Store Instruction: ST(Rc, Ra, mem offset)

The format of the opcodes are as follows:

The top five bits of the opcode are simply the ALU function (described in the ALU log entry) and are passed directly to the ALU. Bit 10 (Constant Needed) indicates whether or not the opcode is made up of a one word or two words. Bit 9 differentiates between ALU functions and the other Spikeputor operations (Load/Store/Branch). If bit 9 is clear, the next three bits (bits 8-6) encode the register address of the second operand, Rb. The Rb bits are ignored for ALU functions that use the second word as a constant. If bit 9 is set, the instruction is determined from bits 8-6 as follows:

Bits 5-3 encode the register address of Rc, and bits 2-0 encode the register address of Ra.

Control Logic

The control logic of the Spikeputor translates the opcodes plus a few flags into a series of control signals. The signals select the appropriate CPU phase, keep track of the IRQ status, and set up the appropriate logic paths in order to execute the current instruction. Signals, flags and control logic are described in detail below.

Each instruction takes two or three clock cycles (CPU phases) to perform. The PHASE signal keeps track of these steps. Upon reset and power-up, PHASE is set to 0.

Control Logic Inputs are as follows:

When PHASE is 0 and there is no RESET or IRQ signal, an opcode is read from the memory address pointed to by the Program Counter (PC) register and placed on the input of the INSTRUCTION register, to be stored on the next clock pulse. CN is immediately used to determine if a second word needs to be read for the instruction. 

If CN is 0, NEXT_PHASE is set directly to 2 and the PC will not be incremented.  Otherwise, NEXT_PHASE is set to 1 and the PC is incremented. On the next clock cycle, PHASE will be 1. Memory at the new PC address is read into the CONSTANT register and the INSTRUCTION register is not updated (It will still contain the instruction opcode from Phase 0). NEXT_PHASE is set to 2 and the PC is not incremented.

On the next clock cycle, PHASE will be 2. This is the phase where the instruction is executed. The ALU function, register addresses, and all other logic pathways will be set based on the Control Logic Inputs. The PC will be updated (either incremented or updated with the new "jump to" address), and NEXT_PHASE is set back to 0, starting the next instruction cycle.

If the RESET signal goes high at any time, PHASE is reset to zero, the IRQ flag is cleared, all memory write and register write signals are cleared, and the NEXT_PC register is set to the Reset vector via the PCSEL signal (described below).

If the IRQ signal goes high, RESET is low, the IRQ_FLAG (IF) status bit is currently clear, and PHASE is zero, the IFW (the IRQ Flag Write) signal is set so that on the next clock pulse, the IRQ_FLAG will be set. R6 is set to be written to with the current PC address, and NEXT_PC is set to the Interrupt vector via the PCSEL signal. The IRQ signal is ignored if IF is already set, PHASE is not zero, or RESET is high. Systems invoking the Spikeputor IRQ signal should only set it during CPU phase 0. The BIAS card will capture this information by looking at the ISEL signal, which is high only during that phase.

The remaining signals have the following meanings and are mainly used to set up the logic pathways for each instruction. Each signal is one bit unless otherwise noted. See the Spikeputor Main Schematic for the high level view:

The schematic for the Control Logic is shown below. It simply translates the logic listed above to circuitry. Not shown are the circuits for the flip-flops that store the PHASE and IF status bits. They are similar to the Register Memory Flip-Flops described in an earlier log entry.

To test the implementation, I programmed a Mega2560 to output all possible combinations of inputs, captured all of the outputs, and then compared the output values with calculated values. Here's a photo of the completed board, hooked up to the Mega2650:

In the following video, you can see the rapidly changing PHASE and NEXT_PHASE signals, as well as a few flashes of IRQ, IFW and IF being stored and cleared. I also show how the Mega sends the Control Logic outputs to the computer for analysis. After a few quick wiring fixes, the boards work as specified. Not too bad for 130 transistors!
