
Encoder for the bldc test bench

A project log for Self standing balancing robot

nRF52 mesh of motion sensors, Gazebo for physics simulation, BLDC motors simulation and control, CAD with Fusion 360. Fully Open source.

wassimWassim 01/04/2019 at 21:150 Comments

Rotary encoder 600 steps

nRF52 Firmware

After the failure to use the qdec peripheral, fallback was on pio, interrupt, but that gives another advantage, the one of capturing timestamp on the nRF for every event, so that the log to the pc does not induce any speed signal distortion.

This is how the mqtt messages look like

jNodes/75/text {"ts": "597185480", "A": "1432", "B": "1428", "H": "1660"}
jNodes/75/text {"ts": "597191402", "A": "1432", "B": "1429", "H": "1661"}
jNodes/75/text {"ts": "597399004", "A": "1432", "B": "1430", "H": "1662"}
jNodes/75/text {"ts": "597406683", "A": "1431", "B": "1430", "H": "1661"}
jNodes/75/text {"ts": "597417026", "A": "1430", "B": "1429", "H": "1659"}
jNodes/75/text {"ts": "597424182", "A": "1429", "B": "1428", "H": "1657"}

Timesamped view of the motor position (angle step)
