
Week 1 Dynamic Interactivity

A project log for Dynamic Interactivity - Antisocial Head - 1701-1

A project conducted by students of The One Academy from Multimedia Design batch 1701-1 Y3S1 for our Dynamic Interactivity final project.

adrian-anak-akonAdrian Anak Akon 01/19/2019 at 05:340 Comments

Week 1 : - 

1. A presentation was conducted to present the idea and concept for the final project.

2. A story was proposed along with how the installation might work with the idea.

3. Feedbacks from Lin Yew and Ronald Chua was received to aid in preparation for the next presentation.

4. Updates will be made from the feedbacks by both lecturers.

5. Several solutions and ideas for the installation concept will be proposed.

6. Basics to coding for Processing 3 were introduced in the following workshop after the theory lecture and introduction to the course.
