
Week 2 Dynamic Interactivity

A project log for Dynamic Interactivity - Antisocial Head - 1701-1

A project conducted by students of The One Academy from Multimedia Design batch 1701-1 Y3S1 for our Dynamic Interactivity final project.

adrian-anak-akonAdrian Anak Akon 01/25/2019 at 02:260 Comments

- More feed-backs were received to help push the idealization process forward.

- Several methods were proposed.

- A final idea must be selected for Week 3 in order to put all focus on that and to work on that for the rest of the semester.

- More brainstorming and idea sketches were done to visualize the idea before presenting for the final time next week.

- A final design sketch and material planning will be done in preparation for the final idea pitch.  
