
ESP8266 Heartrate Moniitor

A project log for ESP Heart Rate Monitor

Updates browser couple times a second with realtime heartrate graph, displays heartrate and oxygen concentration. 02/28/2019 at 18:260 Comments

This project collects data from a max30100 heart rate monitor device and presents a webpage to a connected browser displaying the real time data as well as the dsp derived Pulse Rate and Oxygen concentration results.

Here we are using the Espressif IoT Developemnt Framework to compile user application code, build the ESP code image and flash it into the ESP device. The setup is pretty easy and well documented on several websites.

The ESP device establishes a wi-fi connection, then configures the max30100 to collect 50 samples per second of red and IR data. It then continuously runs two tasks:     a) read max30100 buffer pointers and construct a read of available sample data with I2C bus, configure data into words and load into local buffer,     b) setup tcp server socket and listens for http request. When http request packet is received it is parsed to extract whether it is requesting a) a file, like index.html or index.css or a js file, b) a request for a data string dump or c)a POST append containing variables altered within the client browser (or a curl command).

This nets a single C program with no non-ESP8266_RTOS_SDK dependencies of about 300 lines, most of which were cut and pasted from the sdk examples folder. The other coding portion of this program is an .html (about 200 lines) that is embedded in the esp read only memory at compile time (if referenced in The .html file is served via tcp to your browser when the esp's url is addressed.

The JavaScript in the .html runs a setInterval function a few times a second to make a tcp HTTP Request to the esp to getData it them performs a bunch of bookkeeping for each plot update cycle :    a)control of plot modes, ie run/pause, display data type raw/filtered    b)send POST variable data from browser tags to esp (for things like controlling led brightness)    c)downloads plotly.js for handling graph real time output display    d)formats data returned from esp into plotly format    e)performs dsp operations to bandpass filter (4 pole butterworh) raw data and extract and display heartrate and oxygen concentration measurements.
