Architecture and components

PDMSS's constituents are a rover and a UAV. Here, I've explained both of them in detail.

All components are soldered with 63/37 or 60/40 solder.

Initialization sequence instructions

Hand drawn diagrams:



Rover code execution sequence

Tests & results

The data logged by the rover includes data from sensors like:

and a few more, with a camera.

The UAV has a camera on board (along with an 11DOF Flight controller) that gives a birds-eye view from high altitudes.

Test at field

Once everything was done, both the rover and the drone were tested outdoors.


Running the rover first, everything worked the way it was expected to. The GPS' coordinates changed with every movement over ~2 meters. I was able to get a clear first-person view from the camera on board (although there was intermittent lag sometimes when the rover was far). Most of the sensors and the robotic arm were tested in the open field. Some of the sensors such as the MQ7 were tested individually.

Here's a picture of the front-end interface of the code deployed to the rover.


I tested the drone in the same field as I did for the rover. It flew perfectly, staying up in the air for more than 10 minutes. The goal of this was to test out whatever it could do (maneuvres and autonomous GPS-guided motion), and tests went as expected.

Manufacturers/brands/models of some components: