
Investment in Raylib and Raygui

A project log for Binaural Audio Editor

This is an audio application that produces 3D binaural audio from 2D mono audio samples and positional information given by GUI.

pablo-antonio-camacho-jrPablo Antonio Camacho Jr. 03/28/2021 at 19:040 Comments

I decided to invest my time in replacing wxwidgets and openscenegrpah with raygui and raylib respectively.

wxwidgets is being replaced because it is a very large library with few issues in cross-platform portability. I am switching to raygui because it is light-weight and has very few dependencies.

openscenegraph is being replaced because I don't understand it too well and it has little documentation. It is also very big.
Raylib is well documented, easy-to-use, light-weight, and has very few dependencies.

These changes are an investment towards more 3d interactive features, better cross-platform portability, smaller executable size, quicker compile. 
