

A project log for 'Thor' robot with addons and GUI

Thor robot based on the author AngelLM

dannyvandenheuveldannyvandenheuvel 11/30/2016 at 13:222 Comments

Hand controller build with arduino uno + lcd 2x16 with controller, two hand rotary and one button. schematics and software will follow in next comming days! have fun to print the case :)


dannyvandenheuvel wrote 11/30/2016 at 21:53 point

Hay Olaf,
I was thinking of building  a real hand controller like you said be moving my model in the GUI controller. I will consider it! Thanks for the feedback! Put it on my todo :)

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Olaf Baeyens wrote 11/30/2016 at 20:33 point

I am wondering if this hand-controller cannot be designed differently so that you have switches at your 5 fingers. Maybe one finger could move one joint when pressed the second finger joint 2... Maybe when you press finger 1 and 2 you can move the two joints at the same time. 

Just using my imagination for this. 

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