
Conditional Instructions

A project log for SPAM-1 - 8 Bit CPU

8 Bit CPU in 7400 with full Verilog simulator and toolchain

john-lonerganJohn Lonergan 10/03/2020 at 15:340 Comments

Have adopted an ARM-like approach by making all instructions conditional rather than just jumps and also used a spare bit to control whether a given op sets the status flags.

This makes the whole desigh more symetrical and appealing to me.

This was pretty easy to add once I realised that all I have to do was to hook up one of the unused enable pins on my "target" decoders  .Enable2_bar(_do_exec) 

hct74138 targ_dev_08_demux(.Enable3(1'b1),        .Enable2_bar(_do_exec), .Enable1_bar(targ_dev[3]), .A(targ_dev[2:0]));

hct74138 targ_dev_16_demux(.Enable3(targ_dev[3]), .Enable2_bar(_do_exec), .Enable1_bar(1'b0),        .A(targ_dev[2:0]));


This relied on creating some simple decoding logic based on a 74151 multiplexer as shown below. But that work brought me to an understanding of the difference between "inertial" and "transport" delays in Verilog.. I was expecting some glitches due to the chip's published timings but they didn't show up in the simulation because I'd effectively used "inertial delays". I reworked the timings to let through all glitches by implementing "transport delays"; but that's not how real silicon works either because real silicon will not propagate short lived pulses. I'll probably write more on this.

The additional control logic is simulated here..
