
NERv Technology Inc.

NERv is developing a diagnostic catheter embedded with sensors capable of detecting gastrointestinal leaks that can arise after surgery.

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NERv is developing an implantable smart catheter system embedded with µ-biosensors designed to detect anastomotic (gastrointestinal) leaks in real-time. The system can predict and notify the healthcare provider if early signs of a surgical leakage are detected by the sensors. It can also notify the patient when a leak develops to seek medical attention, while the physician can access detailed data captured from the sensor readings. NERv’s platform allows surgeons to detect leakages early, take the appropriate clinical response to help patients recover while avoiding the cascade of complications that arise from the late detection of the complication. This real-time sensing diminishes the need for supervision by healthcare professionals and costly diagnostic tests such as CT scans, while also allowing the patient to be monitored in an outpatient setting.

Investor Deck - Aug.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.25 MB - 08/23/2019 at 13:52


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