
9/9 - 9/15

A project log for Bot-thoven: A Robot Musician

Designing a Servo Motor Based Mallet System to Generate Musical Expression in Instrument Playing Robots

jason-pJason P. 09/29/2019 at 20:450 Comments


For the second week, I conducted background research pertaining to my research project.


I found five research articles relating to my studies related to the musical xylophone-robot I hope to create. For each article, I wrote down the purpose, methods, results, conclusion, and application to my personal project.


Each of the articles (numbers 1-5), provided new insight on the following subjects related to my project:

  1. New ways on how to incorporate musical “expression” into robotic instruments
  2. A US patent for an instrument (theremin) playing robot
  3. Achieving different styles of strokes (as shown in robotic drums)
  4. An interactive robotic xylophone with motorized mallets
  5. How Musical Expression is Achieved on Xylophones


For the upcoming weeks, I will need to find all the materials I will need to for the project, including the xylophone and mallets.
