
Quantum career

A course class for Quantum Computing through Comics

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artbyphysicistkittyartbyphysicistkitty 08/23/2020 at 14:381 Comment

Today at Hackaday Quantum Computing class, we will do a career Q&A to answer your questions on what may be needed to get a job in quantum computing and where you may be able to contribute to quantum computing. 

A challenge for you: pick any of the below character, find the page in the comics where they were introduced, find the video that included that page, watch it and write down briefly what you learned from that video in the comment section on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram. You will get an out-of-the-box-thinker certificate. 

Tag @KittyArtPhysics (Twitter) @artbyphysicistkittyyeung (Instagram) @MSFTQuantum #MSFTQuantum #QSharp #QuantumComputing #comics #physics


sejir57649 wrote 09/20/2022 at 14:07 point

Any, even the most brilliant career, begins with writing a resume. It's hard enough to stay calm when it comes to writing such an important document. After all, your future and work often depend on it. Therefore, I suggest that job seekers employ specialist web services that assist in creating a top-notch resume or cover letter. You may get a thorough summary of the features of a comparable service at this website, if you're interested in learning more. It worked well for me when I used it last year.

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