
New Features! - Reset Switch and INT breakout

A project log for 10AxisFeatherWing

I2C 10-DOF Featherwing with Sensor Fusion

mark-aldritz-dela-virgenMark Aldritz Dela Virgen 12/24/2019 at 14:030 Comments

After looking around for examples of FeatherWings in Adafruit store, I stumbled upon this Adalogger FeatherWing. It has the two things that I know I needed to implement: A reset switch and an INT breakout.

I also tried to condense all the components together, since I was worried that the decoupling caps won't filter the signals effectively. After some few hours of rearranging the components and autorouting, I was able to implement these new features.

Right now, my project is done on paper. I just need to find a good PCB printing service to print prototype PCBs for me, and collect money from my allowance so I will be able to buy the required components. I might use these prototype PCBs in my rockets, and use the data in my super secret science project I'm working on.
