Circuit Part : The circuit is very simple all you need to do is to connect the IR LED along with 220 ohm resistor to the pin D2 on the nodemcu as shown in image given.

Coding Part :

For this project you need to install "IRRemote-ESP8266" library in your Arduino IDE

So download the given file and you'll find the library & code both in that zip file & install the library into Arduino IDE .

So after installing library then you'll find a code in it named as "iresprgbwebserver" code & open that code then enter your network (wifi router/hotspot) ssid and password in the code & upload it to your nodemcu.

Testing the project :

so connect your mobile or your pc to the same network of which ssid & password you entered in the code then open the browser & type ip "" and open this page & the remote as shown in image will appear then place the receiver of controller of RGB LED Strip near the IR LED connected to the nodemcu so that IR receiver of LED strip will receive data properly & when you press any key the browser the LED strip will behave according to the key pressed in the browser.