
Testing the Relay

A project log for Fermentation Station

Gadget to help make better beer

krockwellKrockwell 03/04/2020 at 06:290 Comments

Received the DLI IOT Relay today for about $20 on Amazon Prime. This box is a SPDT relay that controls 3 AC outlets, two of which are normally off and one is normally on. The fourth outlet is always on, which is handy as I plan to use it to power the raspberry pi.

Link to datasheet:

I setup a quick test to turn a lamp on and off using the relay and a python script. I used the RPi.GPIO library that comes standard with Rasbian. I should note there are different GPIO numbering modes, in this case I use "BCM" which is based on the broadcom chip and NOT the header pin numbering. This bugs me, I will probably use the board pin numbering next time, designated as "BOARD".

#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH)
IOT Relay
First test with the IOT Relay
