
Weekend update

A project log for On Air

Keyword activated status display

alexander-hagermanAlexander Hagerman 03/09/2020 at 20:160 Comments

Over the weekend I had some time to work with the ESP-EYE and start talking with my signal endpoint. For now it's not "smart" but I have a button that will let me set the signal status manually, and the PyPortal updates accordingly. This at least proves out the MVP of the data flow between systems, and got me more comfortable with the ESP-IDF tools and libraries.

One bump I ran into was a `RunTimeError` from the ESP32 on the PyPortal. For now I'm using the circuitpython supervisor module to reload when this happens. Since it's a read only operation the only idiosyncrasy is that the screen loads green for the default background, then switches on the status fetch if the endpoint indicates busy. I may remove loading a default background to prevent this, and longer term look into what's happening with the ESP32 on the PyPortal.

Next up is training my own custom speech model and running the keyword detection model on the ESP-EYE.

Source available.
