This instruction comprises with the following steps:

Everything can be done under 10 minutes without a single line of code or cloud knowledge.


Solder Pin Header PCB breakaway connector to Cricket module. The header makes it easier to connect Cricket module to breadboard.

You successfully assembled device. Now we need to configure both IFTTT and Cricket online. Please follow the next sections to do that.

IFTTT setup

Steps to follow:

Nearly done, we need to get a HTTP address to which we can post event from IoT module.

Search for Webhooks service and click in document ion in the right up corner.

Next copy web links under "Make a POST or GET web request to:" you will need it latter.

Configure Wi-Fi Cricket module

Cricket is entirely configured OTA (Over The Air) through Things On Edge - Developer Portal ( The configuration will be retrieved by Cricket via the internet when it is connected to your Wi-Fi (which is described in the next section). Now let's configure it first.

For the button we need to configure Cricket to send POST HTTP request when is woken up by high signal on IO1: WAKE_UP pin. This signal is provided when the button is pressed.

Now open TOE Developer Portal from any browser either from PC or mobile. You must register/login to Developer Portal to activate and configure the device in your account. Otherwise the device won't work.

After successful login / registration you need to click "Add new" device to activate your device in the system. You need to use the unique serial number printed on a label stick on the back of Cricket.

WARNING: You must keep the serial number for yourself only. Do not share it with anyone else.

Now you can configure your device.

Set the following configuration:

Paste the link you copied from Webhooks in io1_wakeup and leave data empty

replace https to http and replace event to button_event

The link should look like below:

<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>

Once you set the configuration hit Save button.

We are almost there! Now you just need to connect your device to the internet over your Wi-Fi network. Please follow the next section how to do it.

Connecting IoT module to the internet

In a few steps you will connect your device to the internet over your Wi-Fi network. All you need to do is to activate Cricket's private Wi-Fi hotspot and then open a private web page to pass your Wi-Fi network credentials. Please follow the steps below:

SSID: toe_device

No password is required

Congratulations! Now your device is live and connected to the internet!

Now you can switch on/off HUE light with your buttondevice !!!

You can find more information:

Video with instruction :