
Major updates in Firmware

A project log for Soldering RT1

Open Source Universal RT Soldering Station with Tweezers support

riccardo-pittiniRiccardo Pittini 09/09/2020 at 21:150 Comments
Some of the major updates in the firmware... (more to come)

- Fixed PID calculator coefficients and sampling (it could have had oscillations)
- PID tested with 12V in and duty 110-220 with low and high resistance cable, acceptable performance in all cases
- Missing to correct refresh rate of the screen (it is increased as the main loop is executed more times)

- Added channel tracking option in menu. Now it is possible to set one channel temperature, and both are set.

- Added AutoON function in menu: When changing tip, the channel goes on automatically to the set temperature.

- Buttons very responsive, including encoder switch
- Some code cleanup 
