
Testing out the Galvo Kit and learning something about DACs and OpAmps

A project log for Galvo Laser Cutter/Engraver

A GCODE compatible galvo laser cutter/engraver.

dominik-meffertDominik Meffert 06/12/2020 at 01:080 Comments

To see what the galvos look like when they are running I made the first part of DeltaFlo's Galvo Instructable to give them an input signal.

Will read a bit about Op Amps and make the second part, too.

I read a few explanations and watched a few videos about what OpAmps are and what they do and built the OpAmp circuit from the Instructable.

I haven't built many circuits so far and this simple circuit was the most complex until now, but I'm really happy that I got it to work and I think building more complex circuits in the future will be a lot of fun :)

Here is my setup and what the output looked like on the oscilloscope.
