
I think the controller needs to be renamed

A project log for WinDIY - HAWT Wind turbine

Mostly 3D printed HAWT windturbine incl. 3D printed disk-generator and brake system.

fabianFabian 10/05/2020 at 11:260 Comments

Now that I have worked on the “NerdiskeratorController”, I have decided that I don't necessarily want to restrict the board and software to use with WinDIY and the Nerdiskerator. That is why I will continue to develop the “Nerdiskerato Controller” under the name “ genCtrlr” in the future. If you have additional ideas, please leave me a message or comment. 😊

Here some pictures of the more and more frankensteind state of the controller. 

Link to the actual software state is here:
