
First deployment

A project log for Simple Sane.d front-end for OSX

A simply front end to use a networked scanner on a Raspberry Pi from an OSX machine.

timescaleTimescale 06/16/2020 at 11:170 Comments

After implementing a couple of features like lineart scanning and the option to scan to printer in grey and lineart modes, I thought it time to install the package on another macbook used around the house.

Installation isn't a typical drag and drop affair because there are some packages that need to be installed.

All need to be installed, sane back-end needs to be configured to see your sane server and app security needs to be able to open anything before starting sanity. But if those conditions are met, the menu app starts up and should work.

For convenience I have uploaded a zip file with the sanity app and the software versions of Libusb and sane I used. While still the 1.1 version, this sanity install also has the option to scan lineart to screen and printer.
