
Final (?) PCB Version

A project log for Sound Processing Shield for Arduino

Add reverb and other effects to a mike input, and have it ready on a speaker output

bobgreenwadebobgreenwade 08/18/2020 at 13:580 Comments

I got an approximation of how much clearance is needed for the right-angle headers (about an inch, allowing for the space needed when plugging them in), but decided what the heck -- I just gave it as much as I could manage, shoving all of it as far out of the way as I could. I think it's a little over that one inch. I'm not completely happy with putting them in the middle of the board at all, but that's just the way things go.

I'm going to figure on female right-angle headers for the board. Usually I see male headers on manufactured boards, but the exposed leads make me a tad nervous.

Unless someone points out a problem, I'll call this the final version of the board (other than minor edits to increase the efficiency of the traces).

Now to work on that BOM... followed by Gerber files... ack!
