
The earth battery gets weird

A project log for circuit sculpture Fail-o-rama

Circuit sculpture using electroforming for organic-ish blinkenlights

jonJon 07/10/2020 at 06:550 Comments


I somehow got it backwards, and stripped copper from the tree and the FR4. That also means that I also ran electrons through the LED and may have stripped copper off of my LED leads, and my wires. Dang.

Fail # ... I lost count.

This might make it impossible to succeed with this set. If the wires are shorted out from the copper build up, and the copper builds up inside the brass tubes then I won't be able to repair them without rebuilding them.

If I removed all conductive material from the FR4, then even after I reverse the polarity and get copper moving the right direction I still might not get copper back onto the FR4 section.
