
18 6.50 x10^18

A project log for circuit sculpture Fail-o-rama

Circuit sculpture using electroforming for organic-ish blinkenlights

jonJon 07/17/2020 at 02:070 Comments

it's hard to make good puns with battery numbers and electrons.

So, I know the voltage on this 18650 is likely too high for the surface area, however, I really want to see if I can get a dramatic build up. If it comes back grainy I will throw a buck converter on the battery and adjust until my current is right for the surface area.

I did not get any test data yet on my larger surface area with higher voltage, so I guess this is that.

The 18650 comes from an old laptop battery i scavenged. The baggie is the stretchy plastic a bolt axle was packaged in until today. I just wanted a battery compartment that would hold solder blobs to battery terminals for times of up to a day or two with a failure rate of less than 100%. Sample size makes this a boolean outcome.
