
Prograde burn; I quit my day job to work at NASA

A project log for Arduino rocket stabilization system [UD: 7/14/17]

Arduino powered rocket stabilization system for mid to high power rockets that gets rid of the pitch over and subsequent downrange flight

arseniodevArsenioDev 02/02/2017 at 13:333 Comments

Yes you read that right, as of January 30th I am working at NASA Goddard as a student researcher in the earth sciences wing, specifically on the 4U Laser Hetrodyne Radiometer cubesat as a hardware/software engineering intern.

As for how on earth I landed here the story is convoluted but to make a long story short; An internet friend who works at NASA thought I'd be a good fit for his intern army and after 6 months of limbo where it was uncertain if they'd be able to get me, I finally interviewed and was in. Some of the key points of consideration were that I had a multifaceted skill set of hardware and software, in-depth documentation of my work on the blog, familiar with GitHub and lastly, open to learning new roles and skills.

Work will continue on the stabilizer, have no fear, as the motor control is coming along nicely with a basic bang-bang control plant done.

Ad Astra
Arsenio Dev


heaan.lasai wrote 08/18/2018 at 18:34 point

You're awesome!

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 02/03/2017 at 01:34 point

Awesome indeed, Wow :-)

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oshpark wrote 02/03/2017 at 01:31 point

Congrats!  That is awesome!

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