
Obstacle Avoidance

A project log for Cutebot and CLUE are even better pals!

Building a library to allow Adafruit's CLUE and ElecFreak's Cutebot to communicate while maintaining all the functionality of the CLUE.

jtJT 09/04/2020 at 18:260 Comments

Use the Elecfreaks cutebot's ultrasound distance sensor and the Adafruit CLUE's proximity sensor to avoid objects. The cutebot's neopixels display the current action state.

Neopixel ColorSensorAction
greenUltrasoundgoing forward
yellowUltrasoundavoiding an object between 20 to 50 centimeters away 
redUltrasoundavoiding an object 20 centimeters or less away 
blueProximityavoiding an object seen by the proximity sensor


You can find the code for this demo in the "Example" folder of the CircuitPython_CLUE_Cutebot repository.

Github Repository:
