In late 2019, I began developing Arduino libraries to control DSP receivers. My first project was an Arduino library for the SI4844, followed by libraries for the IC Si473X family, all of which are produced by Silicon Labs. Due to the positive reception and enthusiasm from various radio listeners, experimenters, and hobbyists, I decided to broaden my range of Arduino libraries for the Arduino IDE platform. I subsequently developed libraries for the AKC695X, KT0915, SI470X, and RDA5807.

When I started studying the datasheet for the BK1086/88, I realized it was also well-suited for radio listeners and hobbyists. Unlike other devices I'd previously focused on, I initially found very little documentation on this one. This lack of information inspired me to gather as much data as possible on this BEKEN family of devices. I reached out to BEKEN Corporation for additional details on the BK1086/88E and received a prompt response. I would like to extend my gratitude to BEKEN Corporation for their attention and assistance.

This library is based on the BEKEN manual titled 'BK1086/88 - BROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW RADIO RECEIVER REV1.3,' as well as on experiments I conducted during the development process