

A project log for SIGIL

A retro gaming and secure communications handheld

ellie-husseyEllie Hussey 11/08/2020 at 01:300 Comments

It might not look like much, but I got everything installed and set up and figured out enough to get this development board up and running 😁
Today, we blink some lights. Tomorrow, we blink the world! or something

Here's an example of the glitchy 10FPS via SPI I could get with the ESP32 and with an STM32F4XX.  The intent was to draw a black bar across the screen and change its location by 1 pixel per frame.  It's sending the entire 240 lines each frame, so this should accurately represent the capabilities regardless of what image is displayed.

and similar code running on an STM32F746 clocked to 180MHz (though SPI was still <5MHz).  The difference between a glitchy 10FPS and a smooth 40/60FPS is everything:
