
Starting Out

A project log for Bluetooth For 2008 Chrysler Grandvoyager

Bluetooth that actually works...

saabmanSaabman 11/07/2020 at 03:330 Comments

The factory Uconnect system has sends Audio (left and Right) to the head unit and connects to the CAN bus @ 125Kbps. Depending on the year of manufacture this speed can very, but thats what it is for my application.

Given the only connection to the headunit is via the Can bus I am starting with the presumption that the head unit sends control signals via CAN to the Uconnect module which then sends the audio to the Headunit.

Step 1. Monitor the can bus and determine the control signals required to turn on the Uconnect module and initiate the blue tooth.

To do this I have put together an arduino Uno with a MCP2515 CAN module, hooked into the CAN bus and log some data.
