
vu meter dimensions

A project log for PGA2311 DIY Preamp

Let's build a preamp around the PGA2311, some relais, an Atmega and some more parts

mughtywinkyMughtyWinky 11/03/2016 at 20:540 Comments

Today i took some measurements and photos of the vu meters as a basis to design the front panel, which will be designed in the next step. Those vu meters have at total length of 36.4mm. The first round part is 7mm long, followed by a 3.8mm long square part. The round parts have a diameter of 33.9mm. The square part has a side length of 35mm. The four holes have a diameter of 3.2mm and are 27.8mm away from each other (center of the hole).

The background illumination works well at 12Volt, consuming 50mA.
