
Right side finished!

A project log for Dactyl Lynx

The Dactyl Lynx is a parameterized, split-hand, concave, columnar, ergonomic keyboard - a fork/rewrite of the original Dactyl keyboard.

david-h-bronkeDavid H. Bronke 02/04/2024 at 20:060 Comments
I finally finished wiring up as much of the right side as I could, though I'm still waiting for some more hotswap sockets and a new set of switches to come in. That's not a problem yet, though, because my keymap doesn't even have a use for those key positions yet.

After a quick test, all of the keys on the right side work! This is a huge relief, but it made me realize something: I need to get a wire stripper. I've been doing all of this by stripping wires with a side cutter, and it's very slow going if I don't want to ruin the strands in my wire.

I also took this opportunity to take a photo to help with wiring, though with this many things across the board, I'm not sure it's as helpful as I hoped. At least it does a good job of showing my work so far.

I think I'm going to take a small break to make a mount for the S-Video (4-pin mini DIN) socket that I'll be using for the cable between the two sides.

Hopefully my new wire stripper, hotswap sockets, and switches will come in soon so I can get the other half of the board finished.
