
ETI Vocoder

My ETI Vocoder

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My completed ETI Vocoder

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zephyrin wrote 10/28/2023 at 14:00 point

Thank you for your answer , I m just see now your answer but I have started a few week ago to do the boards my self with Sprint -Layout as like you do with kid cad.

Here the pictures of my works


Build in progress

Front Panel

I have also started a tread here

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maddocklaurence wrote 09/24/2023 at 16:05 point

I have uploaded my kicad files to my google drive, its a large 7-zip file it has all my info and files

here is the link

I will remove it after two weeks, so please let me know if you have downloaded it.

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zephyrin wrote 09/21/2023 at 14:34 point

I understand ,it's take a long time I m suposed to redraw the  big PCB!

I m started to do this vocoder but from schematic and there some error in the magazine ...

could you share the cicada files or gerber files ?

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maddocklaurence wrote 09/02/2023 at 09:20 point

No I don't make a kit, I got the PCB,s made as I re did them in KiCad from the magazine article.

When I got them made, there were five sets. I still have a complete set.

The pcb,s used the same part numbers as per the ETI article so parts are easy to place, the only difference is i made the two large boards, a little too large and you have to stack them, as can be seen in one of the pictures

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zephyrin wrote 09/02/2023 at 09:03 point

Hello , do you make yourself the PCB ? Do sell kit ?

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