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    Install app on cell phone

    Download the radar gun app onto your smartphone or tablet. The app is free. It asks for usage of your camera and location. The location is added to the information overlaid on the images by the app. The app will place the date, time, speed, and location if available as part of the image that is captured. The older LG G4 phone used didn’t have a SIM card so no location information was available. But, I was able to hotspot it to my phone to get location information.

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    Do a trial placement of components

    1. Do a trial placement of the phone/camera, battery, and radar sensor in the enclosure to figure out how they will fit together.

    2. The radar sensor needs to “see” the road, so it needs to be facing the front of the enclosure (top lid).

    3. The LG phone is a bit large and the camera likewise needs to look out into the road. Because of this the phone needs to be in the top lid. The phone should be orientated like you would normally hold it for a picture so the overlaid time, date, speed, and location information in placed correctly.

    4. The USB connector/cable requires space as well. It was a little tight so we ended up using right angled USB micro connector cables for more clearance inside the enclosure.

    5. The battery is also a little large but it can go in the back/bottom of the enclosure.

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    Radar Sensor Mounting

    1. To position the radar sensor correctly I had a friend design a 3D printed mount. It'll hold the radar sensor in place when mounted.

    2. The system is going to be mounted around 7-10 ft. high so it is above any parked cars and also keep it out of site or reach of a passerby. As such, the mount has the sensor angled looking down 10 degrees, so it looks into the road better to pick the cars up.

    3. Make sure to install it so the sensor will be looking down into the street and not up into the sky. You'll miss detection of cars if that were the case.

    4. The design file for the radar sensor mount is provided here.