
Getting the basics right

A project log for eMBee ONE Pocket Computer

A 1980s style 8-bit computer running BASIC. Includes OLED screen and a QWERTY keyboard. Oh, and the whole thing fits in an Altoids tin.

matthew-beggMatthew Begg 01/29/2021 at 15:460 Comments

So far, I've managed to get Arduino BASIC running with a 2.42 inch OLED SPI display and the CardKB keyboard. But for some reason, the display keeps dimming after a random period of time. Not sure if its a fault with the display but rather than get stuck on this point, I've decided to swap it for a 1.54 inch display I have instead. I should be able to try this out next week. Moving to the smaller display actually gives me more scope to fit more into the tin, specifically one of those mini breadboards next to the display so that the user can do some physical computing. There should even be space under the keyboard to store spare components and jumper wires. I also realised the benefits of building the Arduino and display onto breadboards too. So there will be 3 mini breadboards all inside one tin. My previous attempts of soldering components directly looked so messy - this will be much neater and can give me more flexibility as the project progresses.
