
refresh log ;)

A project log for MSP430 home computer

Trying to build retro-style home computer based on msp430 mcu

nerfurnerfur 02/03/2022 at 14:060 Comments

Hello anybody who stumble upon this project. I'm posting this log to refresh it little, probably, this message more important to me than somebody else. 

I succesfully got two FRAM launchpads (FRAM is fantastic can't wait for it to gain more popularity!), made some "hello worlds" with them like typical blinking, traffic lights, etc. Even fry (how did I do this?) one PS/2 keyboard 's brain with OUTing on it's pin (as I guess). 

Got logic analyzer (cheap one and not realtime), got mecrisp to launchpad (fantastic forth).

So I guess roadblock of "novice" slowly starts to crack, while there is really looong way ahead... 

I also order "tons" of small buttons going to do my own keyboard to place it later on same board (PS/2 is good, but really rare this days)

If anybody interested I found nice educational DIY SBC on base of msp430!
