
R.I.P. Sanjay Mortimer

A project log for Semisolid Metal Printing

Print metal just like plastic.

michael-perroneMichael Perrone 12/12/2021 at 00:000 Comments

I recently learned Sanjay Mortimer died...

I kept in touch with him and said hi at pretty much every Midwest RepRap Fest since 2015; He was an amazing person, and a great friend. My condolences to the E3D team for his loss; I've always thought of him as their Steve Jobs: excellent when communicating with customers to describe E3D's capabilities and envision what people would want next, and good at nurturing fledgling technologies like this one.

A little known fact about Sanjay was he and the E3D team worked in collaboration with a bunch of companies (I'm not sure I should name them here) on Semisolid Metal Printing. As I understand it, those projects were abandoned though. The last time I saw him, at this year's Midwest RepRap Fest (remotely via computer), he called me a hero for keeping up this work when so many others had given up. This one's for you Sanjay! I'll get this technology working soon enough, in your memory. I only wish you could have seen it in your lifetime.
