
HydraFW support of EmBlocks IDE for Windows

A project log for HydraBus v1 Rev1.5

HydraBus v1 is an open source evolutive multi-tool which help you to Analyze/Debug/Hack/PenTest all types of electronic bus/chipset

benjamin-vernouxBenjamin Vernoux 11/10/2014 at 11:510 Comments

In latest version of HydraFW support of EmBlocks IDE have been added to simplify development, build and debug.
Thanks to rdollet for this contribution.
In order to build HydraFW it is required to install mingw (mainly for sh) & python 2.7 (for pre/post build).
When you have installed EmBlocks you just need to Open file "hydrafwEm.ebp" available in root of hydrafw github source code.
Also now code is compliant with Linux Kernel coding style.
HydraFW github:
