
HydraFW official firmware 0.1Beta released for HydraBus/HydraNFC

A project log for HydraBus v1 Rev1.5

HydraBus v1 is an open source evolutive multi-tool which help you to Analyze/Debug/Hack/PenTest all types of electronic bus/chipset

benjamin-vernouxBenjamin Vernoux 09/21/2014 at 15:040 Comments

HydraFW is a native C (and asm) open source firmware for HydraBus board with support of HydraNFC Shield.

This version is basic and mainly for HydraNFC users waiting sniffer mode for NFC ISO/IEC 14443 Identification cards.
The firmware can be installed without recompilation (dfu binary included) by following the 7 steps to flash their HydraBus board.
It is available on github:
