
Alternate monitor mount idea?

A project log for Throne of Dev

Ultimate Work-from-home Workstation - optimized for days long sitting and coding / board layout work. Without taking much space

peter-van-der-waltPeter van der Walt 07/07/2021 at 19:513 Comments

The overhead monitor mounts were going to be troublesome. I thought it looks flimsy. But, as I want to automate it later on, it would need a big linear actuator  or a couple actuators working together to lift it up to get into the chair.  
I also still had to build a mechanism to swivel the tabletop/keyboard/mouse out of the way anyway, so I'm exploring an alternate path now - monitors on swings attached to the armrests. What do you guys think?


Steamfoundry wrote 07/17/2021 at 01:24 point

I kind of liked the idea of the big arms overhead. Did you consider using a counterweight to offset the monitor weight?  That should help with how beefy a motor you need. It could swing right down under the seat potentially. 

Or could you steal the lift cylinder from the rear door of a minivan?   Those are pretty heavy and you don’t want them falling on you. 

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Peter van der Walt wrote 07/17/2021 at 05:12 point

I did not consider a counterweight (: very good suggestion thank you. 

We"ll see how it goes (: always good to let different ideas simmer for a bit, nothing is set in stone (:

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Steamfoundry wrote 07/17/2021 at 07:34 point

What made me think of it was the heavy railway crossing gates with their short lumpy counterbalance weights

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