
Files for V0.1 Published

A project log for MeArm - Your Robot

Cheap, Small, Open Source Servo Controlled Robot Arm

benphenoptixben.phenoptix 03/26/2014 at 19:310 Comments

Well since this log started I've worked through at least three versions, and published naught. It's terrible of me and frankly makes me feel like the project is going nowhere. So with this in mind tonight there is a publication of the arm as featured in the project photo. Very much V0.1 but it's a starting point and we all know it's very difficult to edit a blank page. On my desk top at work lies a much improved but broken V0.2 that won't be touched for the next 30 hours at least. Hope to have time to work on it on Friday but you never know with my work schedule.

Files are on thingiverse due to lack of knowledge of a viable alternative.
