
Day 7 Updates

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2021 edition

Got a temporary pond again, so I once again decided to rescue and raise some more tadpoles

mcunerdmcu_nerd 08/11/2021 at 21:490 Comments

The indoor group is doing fine. I did split the jar into two to give them more space.  Some sads today: Some members of the outdoor group passed away today. I believe it was likely due to their "pond" getting a bit too hot.  I'll have to make some more adjustments to keep things better shaded.  I think I've figured out why the last year group of Narrowmouth tadpoles passed away: I learned that their main diet is plankton.  The combination of giving them the wrong food and also frequently keeping their water too clean (and thus removing a good bit of any plankton in the water) set them up for failure.  I have some algae wafers ordered that should hopefully work.
