
Automated Detection of Cancer Biomarkers

I have started a research project to gauge how close we are to having sensors collecting data looking for cancer biomarkers in our homes.

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Ever since reading Michio Kaku's book Physics of the Future, I have been excited by the possibility of the early detection of cancer with sensors in our homes. I want to go out and read as much of the literature available about the different potential and confirmed biomarkers for cancer. Along with that I want to learn how those biomarkers are detected and asses whether an automated system could be discretely placed in a house to automatically detect it. If an automated detection system can not yet be made I want to assess how long until that is possible.

Initially, I was not going to post this project here since it is very theoretical at the moment, but then I decided that the category of a Researching Project is appropriate. The projects photo is from the NIH and can be found here:

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