

A project log for Universal Biopotential Monitor

4 or 9 channels of ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG, etc. with a common reference. Set gain of each channel with a plug-in resistor.

jason-yoonJason Yoon 11/09/2021 at 22:220 Comments

Rev A of bio-potential only PCB has been fabricated and components for 4 channel ECG operation has been soldered. Electrode wires for the common reference (Right Leg Drive) and 2 channels has been soldered onto a header to plug into the prototype. Firmware has been coded in esp-idf dev environment.

A NodeJS and Websocket based server has been coded. Applied electrodes to myself and verified operation by observing real-time ECG waveforms in a browser.

Bug fix needed: Firmware stops transmitting data for a few seconds every ~10 seconds.
